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The High Notes
A Blog by Symphony 100™

How Teamwork Can Save Your Startup from Failure

Part of the “Founder’s Guide to Teamwork” Blog Series on The High Notes by Symphony 100

Welcome to the “Founder’s Guide to Teamwork” series!

This is the first post in a comprehensive series designed to help startup founders build solid, effective teams. Today, we explore how teamwork reduces startup failure rates and how you can leverage it to ensure the success of your venture. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies in the coming weeks. If you want to ensure you don’t miss any posts, join our email list to receive updates directly in your inbox.

A startup team has agreed to maker teamwork their secret weapon
How Teamwork Can Save Your Startup From Failure

The Critical Role of Teamwork in Reducing Startup Failure Rates

The statistics don’t lie—roughly 90% of startups fail. There are many reasons, from market fit issues to financial troubles, but poor teamwork is a key, often overlooked factor. A lack of effective collaboration or destructive conflict can destroy even the most innovative ideas.

90% of all startups fail.
You Can Reduce the Startup Failure Rate

A previous boss of mine used to remind me of the importance of nurturing the garden—tending to it, feeding it, and caring for it over time. If you keep taking from the garden without replenishing it, eventually, nothing will grow. Teamwork in a startup is no different. Founders often think they can demand and push their team to work harder. Still, without nurturing those relationships and investing in team dynamics, the team will eventually burn out or fall apart.

This concept aligns with law from several places in the Torah, where we are instructed to let their fields rest every seventh year to replenish the soil. You can’t keep extracting from your team without giving back in a startup. Teamwork needs constant attention, care, and moments of rest to thrive.

This is one area where founders have significant control—team dynamics. Yet, many founders struggle to understand how to apply that control effectively. Founders often get caught up in the rapid pace of their startups and neglect the importance of tending to their teams, assuming things will naturally work themselves out. They won’t. Building and maintaining effective teamwork is an ongoing, deliberate effort and hard work. But like nurturing a garden, it’s an investment that pays off—your team becomes more potent, resilient, and aligned with your company’s goals.

Why Teamwork is a Founder’s Secret Weapon

A founder has gathered his team around him in order to provide guidance and answer questions
Teamwork is a Founder's Secret Weapon

Successful startups thrive on collaboration, innovation, and agility—none of which can happen without a well-functioning team. But teamwork isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a survival mechanism. It’s what turns late-night pivots into breakthroughs and helps founders keep top talent.

The best teams don’t just stumble into success—they actively create it through open communication, trust, and adaptability. This is hard work, but the investment is worth it. Teamwork isn’t just about immediate results; it’s about building a foundation that can withstand the unpredictable challenges of the startup world.

Real-World Example: How Teamwork Saved “Techverse”

Let’s take a look at a real example. Techverse, a fast-growing SaaS startup, had an innovative product and initial traction in the market. But inside the company, things were unraveling. Communication was inconsistent, frequent department misunderstandings caused project delays, and team morale plummeted. Critical deadlines were missed, and frustration was growing.

The founder, Emily, was so focused on fundraising and product development that she ignored the internal issues, assuming the team would “figure it out.” But it wasn’t until two key team members left, citing internal conflict and lack of clarity, that Emily realized the severity of the problem. She knew she had to change but didn’t know where to start.

Emily had recently completed an Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® profile as part of leadership development training. In this training, she learned that when creating a vision, it’s more important to remain open than to seek closure too quickly. She discovered that while her natural inclination was to make decisions quickly, she needed to slow down and allow space for her team to contribute their perspectives.

Sitting on her hands wasn’t easy. In meetings, she resisted the urge to jump in when she disagreed with a suggestion or found an idea impractical. Instead of dismissing what she thought were foolish ideas, Emily consciously tried to learn more about the rationale behind her team’s thoughts, staying open before moving towards alignment. This was particularly hard for her as an entrepreneur, given her nature of having a constant flow of ideas and a desire to take quick action.

In time, Emily found that they felt more invested in the shared vision by allowing the space for her team’s input. She also realized that seeking closure has its place but comes after exploration. This was a turning point for Techverse.

Core Elements of Effective Teamwork in Startups

1. Clear, Intentional Communication

Colleagues communicating with one another
Clear and Intentional Communication

Communication is not just about sharing information—it’s about listening. This is where many founders, especially those with fast-moving startups, falter. As Emily learned at Techverse, listening is an underrated leadership skill. She saw a shift in team dynamics by making space for different perspectives and listening actively.

In a startup, failing to listen doesn’t just affect internal team relationships—it can quickly spill over into how you interact with customers and investors. Founders must build intentional communication habits/processes, such as weekly team check-ins, where everyone is encouraged to discuss what’s working, what isn’t, and what’s holding them back.

2. Aligning Around Shared Goals

A teeam taking the time to ensure alignment around goals.
Aligning around Shared Goals

Startups often get caught in a whirlwind of ideas and constant iteration, but you’re just running in circles without alignment. Emily realized that as much as she valued creativity and new ideas, there comes a time when the team has to align around a few core goals and put the rest aside.

This doesn’t mean killing creativity, but it means focusing energy on executing key priorities. Alignment ensures that the whole team moves in the same direction and progress happens faster.

3. Building Trust and Respect

A team with hand around each other's back in a line facing the window
Building Trust and Recognition

Trust and respect are the foundation of any successful team. Without them, no amount of communication tools or strategy can fix broken dynamics. Emily began rebuilding trust at Techverse by leading with transparency. After the problematic departure of two key team members, she called a meeting and openly discussed the company’s internal challenges. She didn’t sugarcoat the issues and took responsibility for her role in the communication breakdowns.

This transparency created an environment where her team felt safe to speak openly. Emily began encouraging regular one-on-one meetings with her staff to keep these lines of communication open. As her team saw that Emily was willing to own her mistakes, they became more willing to engage in open, honest dialogue, significantly improving trust and collaboration.

4. Fostering Recognition

A group applauding each others' accomplishments
Fostering Recognition

Recognition isn’t just about handing out praise; it’s about showing your team that their contributions matter to the company’s mission. Emily began fostering recognition by celebrating small wins during team meetings. When a junior developer solved a bug delaying the product launch, she didn’t just send a thank-you email. She publicly recognized his contribution in front of the team, explaining how his efforts directly impacted their success. This practice helped boost morale and made every team member feel valued.

5. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

A group of seniors attending an adult learning class.
Adaptability and Continuous Learning

Startups, particularly those experiencing rapid growth, face unique challenges regarding adaptability. Every time someone new joins the team or a key player leaves, the team undergoes a re-forming process. This constant change can disrupt momentum if it’s not managed effectively. Emily embedded adaptability into Techverse’s culture by cross-training team members and emphasizing continuous learning.

She introduced a buddy system, where new hires were paired with more experienced team members to learn the ropes and integrate quickly into the team’s culture. By creating an environment of continuous learning and adaptability, Techverse maintained agility even as the team expanded rapidly.

Teamwork is the Foundation of Startup Success

Team members giving each other a big-five
Teamwork is the Foundation for Success

Building a startup is like nurturing a garden—it requires constant care, attention, and effort. If you neglect it, miscommunication, distrust, and frustration will occur. However, your startup has a more substantial chance of thriving when you actively invest in your team—through open communication, shared goals, trust, adaptability, and recognition.

Emily’s journey with Techverse showed that creating a strong team culture isn’t easy. It requires listening when you’d instead act, remaining open when you’d prefer closure, and leading with transparency, even when it’s uncomfortable. Yet, the payoff is clear: higher morale, increased productivity, and a team that rallies when the going gets tough.

In a world where 90% of startups fail, founders who prioritize their teams, like tendin a garden, are far more likely to succeed. Strong teamwork isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the difference between weathering the storm and withering away.

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to start nurturing your team. Download our “Guide to Building a Strong Team Culture from Day One” to discover actionable steps you can implement immediately. In this guide, you’ll find top strategies like:

  • How to communicate with intention and build trust

  • Ways to align your team around shared goals

  • Techniques to promote cross-training and encourage collaborative problem-solving

  • And much more!

Start today and give your startup the foundation to grow and thrive. Download the Guide Now.


About Symphony 100 Ltd.

Symphony 100 (, is a registered Israeli company in Tel Aviv. Symphony 100 specializes in helping high-tech companies, multinational research centers, founders and investors from the startup ecosystem, and other organizations build effective teams through tailored teamwork and leadership development training, coaching, and consulting services. As an independent, authorized partner of Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors®, we offer data-tested, proven tools to improve team dynamics and productivity.

Everything DiSC Assessments. Profiles, and Workshops are proven to be effective tools to increase team effectiveness.
Everything DiSC Workshops

As an authorized partner, we offer a range of services, including:

Everything DiSC® Assessments

Comprehensive tools to understand individual and team behavior, enhancing communication and collaboration.

The Five Behaviors® Programs

Workshops and assessments designed to build cohesive, high-performing teams by focusing on trust, conflict resolution, commitment, accountability, and results.

Customized Training and Workshops

Tailored programs to meet your organization's unique needs, whether you are a startup or an established high-tech company.

Leadership Development

Programs aimed at developing influential leaders who can inspire and manage their teams to achieve peak performance.

Team Bonding Activities

Engaging, interactive activities help to strengthen team bonds and improve team effectiveness.

Consulting Services

Expert advice and strategies to address specific team challenges and improve overall organizational performance.

About - The Symphony 100 Online Shop

The Symphony 100 Online Shop is tailored for HR leaders, L&D professionals, talent development managers, in-house trainers, and organizations with dedicated training teams. We offer volume discounts ranging from 5% to over 18% on large purchases of assessments, profiles, and reports, helping organizations save thousands of dollars annually.

For companies with in-house practitioners, we provide access to certification programs and facilitation kits to help internal teams implement Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors® effectively.

Visit to explore our products and unlock significant savings for your organization’s training and development needs.

About the Author

Frank November is the CEO of Symphony 100 Ltd - a teamwork and leadership development consulting & coaching firm based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Frank November, CEO - Symphony 100 Ltd

Frank November, CEO of Symphony 100, is an expert in team dynamics and leadership development with years of experience helping leaders and their teams worldwide succeed, from startups and their investors to high-tech companies, research centers, and large non-profit organizations. 

Frank has an MBA from Case Western Reserve University and a BS in Communication from Ohio University. He also studied at the London Business School. His extensive experience includes executive-level leadership, strategy, and development, as well as working with leaders and teams from hundreds of prominent organizations.

Frank’s diverse background, including founding and leading companies, has equipped him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in team development and organizational growth. His work has been recognized with awards for leadership, teamwork, and employee engagement, reflecting his commitment to excellence and innovation in team dynamics and leadership.

Get in Touch

Connect with Frank on LinkedIn and book a discovery call to explore how we can support your team’s growth and success.

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